sábado, 24 de junio de 2023

Technologies in the future, thoughts of Ivan

 I think that in some years the mankind will experience several changes, in the way of how we live our live for good of bad in differente topics.

In AI, I belive that some persons will lose their employees being replaced by automated machines or process that allows that companies can save money. This is actually happen for example in walmart.

In this company already exists the self-checkout for costumers. I think that this kind of machines will replace another areas in the future but also this thechnology requires specialist that develop this features.

An improvement in the AI field is the autopilot in the cars. I believe that the cars in the future will implement the autopilot as standard. In the present this technology is only implemented by Tesla in his cars.

I think that maybe the smartphones applications will dissapear, and be replaced by chatbots like chatgpt. And from here we will do payments, chat with our fiends, reproduce music and movies on streaming, do bank transfers and stuffs like that.

But i guess that smartphone won´t desapear, Those will become more important in our lives.

jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

Entrada numero 1

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